Thursday, December 29, 2011


{Post: 361/365}
Working on my lists and plans for 2012.
I'm writing books and 2012 is MY year. I have DECIDED.
What's coming up in the future for me this year whether I actually get published or not I WILL complete a series of children's books I have been working on for a long, long time.
Also I intend to make 2012 a year of poetry in my 365 Days of the Word blog. ;)
No more random posts or posts from other blogs of mine so if you like any of the others please feel free to follow them and I'll do my best to continue with the content. ;)
Instead I will write ONE poem a day for 365. I HOPE and at the end of the year will turn it into one more  of the poetry books I have for sale in
My intentions are GOOD but sometimes life and it's stresses slow me down. The point of these exercises is to challenge myself to get BETTER and more consistent and I hope that I am doing that!
If least I am TRYING and I keep TRYING!!!

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