Tuesday, February 22, 2011


{Post 53/365: Original Post: MysticLOVEAngel}

John D. Rockefeller, Jr.~
Giving is the secret of a healthy life. Not necessarily money, but whatever a person has of encouragement, sympathy and understanding.

I often chat a lot of people online.
Some of them are people who want something.  Well actually most of them want SOMETHING.  I have often said, (because I am POOR in money) that if they want to get money or things from me they are definitely SOL but, if they want anything from heart, mind or spirit that is all I have to give and I am perfectly willing to give it.  Usually, I reserve the right to with- hold the deepest giving for people who actually EARN my trust by also giving of themselves.  Then we enter into a healthy, mutually benificial,  relationsip. A connection of heart and mind and spirit.
It is really the only way to bond and trust and grow with a person.
Many of these people come and go like time and season.
Sometimes they learn from me.
Sometimes I learn from them.
Sometimes we both learn from each other.
Whichever kind of relationship we do begin in the beginning, you can be sure by the end one or both of us is better from having had the experience.
I live for that.
I love to learn about you.  Who you are, what you want, what you dream, what you like, what you hate, what you NEED, how you feel, where you think you are going, where you are ACTUALLY going, where you WANT to be going, if you recognize yourself in me, if you recognize yourself in yourself, if you believe in yourself, if you are happy or sad, what would help you be happy or sad and IF I can help with ANY of these things, then I will.  If I can't help, then I offer my heart to feel for you and my ear to hear and listen to you.
If that is not enough then perhaps I am the wrong person for you.
I certainly hope my offer of heart and mind and spirit IS truly enough for it is all I really have to offer.  Except for,  my TIME.  I will offer you my time and I hope that you will never think it a waste of yours.

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