Thursday, January 27, 2011

LOVE Everywhere

{Post 26/365: Original Post: I AM LOVE}

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.
~Mother Teresa

It is easy to love the people we love and much more difficult to love the "OTHER"
I want to try to be better at loving the ones who are more difficult to love.
The ones who come at the world already on the defensive OR already on the attack.
The ones who are trying to "get them...before they get me"!
The ones who put on a gruff exterior and grumpy face or attitude to hide the fact that they are sad and lonely and unloved, and that they need to be wanted and understood and heard as well.
The ones who combat the world and all in it aggressively because they hunger deeply for a soft touch, for a gentle word, for a friend.
The ones who are lost and broken and alone.

WE are all these people at one time or another ourselves.
Since WE know how hard it is to heal ourselves, BY ourselves, then we should always aspire to help anyone who is following behind us with a hand up or an encouragement.
SOMETIMES, that makes all the difference!!

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