Tuesday, June 21, 2011


{Post 172/365: Original Post: I AM a QUEEN}
Definition: recognize



I would like to suggest standing in front of the mirror and looking into the person you see.
Think of each of these words in this list and ask yourself if you can use all of them to express recognition of the person in the mirror.
Do you see yourself truly?
Do you acknowledge the spirit within?
Do you realize and appreciate who you really are inside?
Do you accept the soul looking out through your eyes?
Do you honour your inner voice?
Do you treasure the gifts and talents that you possess? Are you aware of them?
Do you value yourself? Do you value your own heart and wisdom?
Do you notice a quiet voice of dignity inside you? Do you hear your own voice?
Do you know yourself? Do you know what is underneath the surface?
Do you understand who you are and that what you do or choose is a reflection of deeper fears, vices, beliefs and perceived limitations?
Do you approve of what you see or do you try to change it, squash it, erase it because you think it is not good enough?
DO YOU respect the beautiful creation GOD created when he made you?
Do you SEE your truth? OR do you only see the mask you built and lies you told everyone including yourself to cover up whatever fears, inadequacies and limitations you suffer from?
I suggest you keep looking until you FIND the truth, know and RECOGNIZE the beauty in you and BRING IT TO THE LIGHT!
We are ALL beautiful, intelligent, capable, VIBRANT people with abilities, talents, gifts, ideas, hopes, dreams and beliefs. The sky is NOT the limit...there IS no limit to what we can do.
We only have to SEE, CHOOSE, BELIEVE and then FLY as high as we want to!
Sometimes it is hard to face our own flaws and imperfections and we think that because of them we deserve to be punished or we deserve everything bad that happens to us.
This is FALSE!
EVERYONE has flaws, imperfections, parts they don't like, things they can't change.
It IS ok. Learn to accept yourself as is and change the things you CAN change.
Be open to the POSSIBILITY that everything CAN and does change, that everything has a purpose. Be willing to grow and learn even when you think you can't and when the time for change comes you will be ready to embrace it and move forward. BUT, don't beat yourself up or punish yourself if some things can't be changed because you're not ready or because of circumstances beyond your control. JUST learn to go along with the flow of your life and things will happen as they should. Learn to cherish and believe in the person YOU are!
LEARN to recognize, accept and love yourself JUST AS YOU ARE!!

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