{Post 31/365: original Post: What I Want MY Children to KNOW}
It is miraculous.
One day you have a baby with chubby cheeks, big eyes, an innocent heart and many questions about life and the world.
Then overnight it seems you look at an intelligent, capable, funny young PERSON with ideas and wit and charm and the ability to reason for themselves why the world works as it does.
Their ideas may NOT be the same as yours.
Sometimes if you can suspend your own ego long enough to accept it, their ideas are BETTER.
Sometimes they can leave you totally in awe of how smart they are and how in tune to the ebbs and flows and under-currents of everything in life.
Then sometimes...again, they will show you the innocent child. They won't really, truly understand anything at all yet and you realize, for but a moment you understood their vast potential to be everything they could be and MORE.
That is why YOU are their guiding hand. That is why YOU teach them all that you know to be good and right and true, and HOW to work out for themselves with their own mind, ideas, perceptions...whatever other problems they encounter in life.
That is why you do the best you can to encourage and support and raise independent, capable, free thinking individuals with the strength and resolve to follow their own beliefs and convictions and hearts.
And that is why, when it is TIME...you LET GO.
You let them drop from the nest...and you watch them FLY!
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