Monday, July 4, 2011

50 Day Things Girls SHOULD Do Challenge: Post #12

{Post 184/365: Original Post: (12/50) Girls SHOULD}

Girls SHOULD...
You never know when you will drive somewhere and have a flat and need to pull over and change it by yourself!
So it is definitely a good idea to practice changing one until you are confident that you are capable of doing it properly and safely. I STILL do not know how to do this even though I am 40 and I owned my OWN car from the time I was 23 until just a few years ago when I sold it. I did know the process in theory but never had to implement the knowledge in practical. I think in fact that my husband changed the tires on my car at least once (what a lucky girl I am to have such a helpful and lovely hubby!!) Nevertheless, I BELIEVE whole-heartedly that EVERY woman should be able to do this job her own self!

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