Tuesday, July 19, 2011

50 Day Things Girls SHOULD Do Challenge: Post #24

{Post 196/365: Original Post: (24/50) Girls SHOULD}

Girls SHOULD...
Every girl should have the strength and security within herself to be able to have and own her own opinion ESPECIALLY when it differs from everyone else!
You don't have to be a YES girl. You don't have to be a people pleaser. If you are one of those you should definitely work on trying to assert yourself once in awhile and HAVE your own opinion, make your OWN choices...not meant to please anyone else but yourself.
I'm not talking about choices that deliberately hurt others or are actually mean or spiteful, I am simply talking about recognizing, understanding and taking care of your OWN needs once in awhile first!
I know many of us put others higher on the importance scale and that is just wrong!
Your opinion, your feelings, your heart, your needs all matter EQUALLY so don't be afraid to speak up!

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