Monday, July 11, 2011

50 Day Things Girls SHOULD Do Challenge: Post #16

{Post 188/365: Original Post: (16/50) Girls SHOULD}

Girls SHOULD...
Once in awhile a girl should treat herself to something, fun, frivolous and perfectly useless for practical application! She should also do this without feeling guilty!
We often give up so much especially if we have children we care for and who need much so once in awhile I believe it is a very good thing to treat yourself to something you want, no matter what it cost, no matter what it is...a pair of shoes that you really don't need, another new shirt (even though you already have a dozen) because you like that colour!, the most expensive bucket of ice cream because you've never had it before, whatever it is just decide that you are worth it, you deserve a treat, and give it to yourself!

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