Thursday, December 23, 2010

Getting READY!

It is the morning of Christmas Eve and I am setting my New Year's Resolution for 2011 in well maybe I'm setting it in the WORD. :)
Beginning 01/01/2011 I will post 365 blog posts.
They will come from some of the many blogs that I post in about many topics and if they warrant attention at all I hope you will choose whichever post resonates with you and you will follow one, or many, or even ALL of my blogs...I'm sure that is a lofty goal! Lol.
Show me that my voice is a voice of reason or passion or humanity or humility or any other attribute you feel fits the bill. Show me that my words speak to and touch your heart, your very soul and feed a need inside you just as much as in me.  Show me that I'm sharing something valid with you and spreading hope, cheer, encouragement, sunshine, roses, joy, heart, soul, spirit, strength, meaning or even just a spark, an idea of something MORE. Maybe we'll become fans of each other on this, my journey of the word. :)

Keep eyes open...01/01/2011 is very, very soon!!!